It’s always hardest to get the ball rolling



I’ve been trying to get a new band going now for quite a while, pretty much since the end of my last band in January. With the amount of hours I was doing at work it became hard to keep up the search for the right project, I would take on just about anything. More than anything I guess I just wanted something I could use as a big fuck you which is probably not the best or most mature way to approach these types of things.

So with my newly found work situation I saw opportunity an to start searching again. It didn’t take long before an ad took my fancy, referencing one of the founding bands of my musical motivation, Hot Water Music, and they needed a bass player. Perfect.

We organise a meet up. It’s simple, I’ll pop into one of their rehearsals for a bit, play a few of their tunes, chew some fat and pretty much figure each other out in the process. By this point I’ve gone through the whole ‘let’s all meet up see if we gel’ kind of shit so many times I just want it over and done with so I can get to the fun bit. MAKING MUSIC.

So before I continue, I think the absolute worst thing you can suggest for this what shall we call it? meeting a new member phase of forming a band is to offer to go for a pint…for what I lack in social skills please at least give me the chance to have my instrument with me.

Fast forward to this morning and I wake up to a message informing me our little meet up rehearsal is off. and my week was going so well. A few quick exchanges and we end up planning to meet up for a pint tomorrow…

(Update on how that goes later)

So in the meantime I’m left with a whole day free and nothing to do. I decide it’s finally about time I boot up my recently purchased, barely used recording interface to track a few covers. Little did know that this task was far greater than it originally seemed.

The last time I used my set-up it worked moderately fine, we will call this period of bliss and serenity, Pre-windows-fucking-10. This was the first time I had tried to use these programs since updating my laptop and naturally, everything had ceased fucking work. “Product not validated”, “unregistered software” (This was legitimately purchased software as well by the way) and a plethora of other issues I’ve since blocked from my memory.

Maybe two hours later I’ve reinstalled the broken software, and downloaded a completely new DAW to record into and I’m away! I suppose a positive from this whole thing is that I actually prefer the new DAW to what I was using previously! Swings and roundabouts Ay?

Hopefully when my new camera arrives I’ll find a nice white wall to back myself up against and record the video to go over the tracks – which is probably where I’ll find out all my video editing software has also been broken by this cursed windows 10 update.

Till then.

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