Paris in six days




Paris is somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit, even when I was really young – not exactly sure why but who cares!

This in mind while Mona and I were throwing holiday destinations around it was at the forefront of my mind. With the help of some friendly Instagrammers we managed to organise a quick to-do list, like we usually do, of all the best things to do and see.

I love visiting other cities and countries during holidays, as a real sucka’ for Christmas it was hard to contain some of my festive cheer as we walked through the pretty narrow streets of Paris draped in lights and decorations.

For a more complete read on Mona’s and my trip please head over to her Blog which covers most everything we did and some recommendations!

As any trip is for me now this was a great chance to use my camera in new situations and really learn more about photography in general. This is the first time I ever attempted night / slow shutter photography. Sitting on the curb of the most hectic round-about I have ever seen Mona and I (without tripod) placed our cameras on our camera bags and tilted them up towards the (honestly breathtaking) Arc De Triomphe hoping to capture some decent light trails!



We decided we wanted to take a crack at getting up super early to see, and photograph a winter sunrise. We decided to combine the sunrise with our visit to the Eiffel Tower and after completely failing to get up on time the first morning we were determined to do it the next day. A short tube ride from pretty much the doorstep of our hotel took us straight to the viewing platform where we sat and waited for the sun to peak up above the clouds.


We ended up with a massive dark rain cloud which blocked out a lot of would-be-colourful sky. Although the orangey-blue slash straight through the sky has grown on me!


As we got closer the sky opened up a bit more and revealed these awesome vapour trails and you can start to see the deep orange glow behind the high-rise building.

All in all we had a fantastic time, we saw almost everything we wanted to see while racking up an average walking distance of 15km a day by the end we were totally exhausted. Paris is really just a great place to be, I’d love to return and spend more time their just taking it in.

Gallery of some of what we saw below!

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