Cheddar Gorge and Tyntesfield House



It seems logical to lump these two adventures together as both are equally good reminders to not drink so much the night before you plan to get up really early and head out with the camera.

Everyone’s first lesson in photography is to prepare the night before, and everyone’s second lesson in photography is to have two battery packs. While visiting Cheddar I ignored both of these valuable lessons and ended up lugging a dead camera up the gorge with only my trusty iPhone 4 to capture the scenery.

An intensive stair climb and the strong cold wind soon cured me of my hangover. It was nice to finally do the Cheddar walk as I’ve been so many times as a child but never went up top.
A whole week later I’m still burdened with a hangover and we’re heading to Tyntesfield House, greeted by an expected queue of traffic as we tried to get in.

As a first timer I was unsure of how I felt about the aesthetic of the house, a collection of mix-matched faces and pointy spires.My only goal from a photography point of view was to capture this weird building in an equally weird way.



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